Freaky Friday (Disney) Freaky Friday (Disney) - I Got This

I got this, I got this
I can see what to do
For me to be you
I got this

I’ll bake stuff
I can fake like I make stuff like you
I’ll have a laugh, have my coffe half-caff
And then yell at the staff on your behalf

I got this, yeah I got this
Stick a smile on my face
And strut ‘round the place
I got this

I’m perfection
I don’t need your direction at all
Call me a slob or a slackerish slob
I can act like a snob and woo that snob
I got this like it’s my job

I got this, yeah I got this
Do my hair with some care
I’ll primp and prepare
I got this

I’m delighted
It’s not right you’re excited for school
Scoff if you may, it’s a part I can play
And it’s only a day and so I say

I got this, yes I got this
I’ll be bright and demure
And right ‘til I’m sure
They’ve bought this

I’ll show you
No nobody will know it’s not you
Leave it do me ‘cause how hard can it be
When I’ve got my degree and such esprit
I got this soon you’ll see

I think I’m looking forward
To my day to tell the truth
A day amid the energy
And innocence of youth

A Thousand fellow students
All excited just like me
A community of learners
Really how hard could it be
How hard could it be